Egil’s Travel Log
Travelling Asia, one country at a time
Pictures from Laos
Sunset at the Mekong
River in Vientiane 1
Sunset at the Mekong
River in Vientiane 2
Sunset at the Mekong
River in Vientiane 3
Sunset at the Mekong
River in Vientiane 4
Me at one of the
Triumph arch in
View from the Triumph
arch in Vientiane
Morningfeeling riverside
in Vang Vieng 1
Morningfeeling riverside
in Vang Vieng 2
Morningfeeling riverside
in Vang Vieng 3
Morningfeeling riverside
in Vang Vieng 4
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 1
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 2
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 3
Not all trucks like the
heavy hills in Laos
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 4
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 5
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 6
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 7
Sights from the busride
Vang Vieng to Phonsavanh 8
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 1
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 6
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 7
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 8
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 9
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 10
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 11
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 12
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 13
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 14
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 2
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 3
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 4
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 4
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 6
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 7
Visit a Hmong Village
outside Phonsavanh 1
Visit a Hmong Village
outside Phonsavanh 2
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 8
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 9
From the Plains of Jars,
outside Phonsavanh, Laos 10
Malariawarnings in the
local communities 1
Malariawarnings in the
local communities 2
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 1
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 2
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 15
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 3
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 16
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 4
FunPhotoes at the Plains
of Jars, outside Phonsavanh, Laos 5
Mekong Riverside in
Luang Prabang
Wat Xieng Thung i Luang
Inside Wat Xieng Thung i
Luang Prabang
Streets in Luang
Getting Partly
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 1
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 2
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 3
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 4
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 5
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 6
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 7
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 8
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 9
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 10
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 11
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 12
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 13
From the waterfall
outside Luang Prabang 14
Took SlowBoat from Luang
Pradang to border of Thailand 1
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 1
Took SlowBoat from Luang
Pradang to border of Thailand 2
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 2
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 3
Others took FastBoat
between Luang Pradang and border of Thailand 1
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 4
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 5
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 6
Others took FastBoat
between Luang Pradang and border of Thailand 2
Views from the room at
evening halfway from Luang Pradang to border of
Others took FastBoat
between Luang Pradang and border of Thailand 3
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 7
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 8
Views from the SlowBoat
from Luang Pradang to border of Thailand 9